Samsung Galaxy SIV To Release on The 14 March!

Monday 25 February 2013

Consumers, Developers and tech geeks everywhere... The SIV announcement date has been set for the 14 March 2013. So set your Calendars. Its going to be a good one!


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Gadgets i'm looking forward to in 2013 !

Friday 22 February 2013

The Galaxy SIV

A leaked picture of the Galaxy SIV - 

The SIV , will be Samsung's Flagship Android device. Not many specs have been released at yet but we are expecting an upgraded processor , a 12 megapixel camera , Android Jelly Bean 4.2 , a bigger 5"display and a new eye-catching design.
The Galaxy SIV is said to be announced on 14th March 2013.

The iWatch

Concepts of the iWatch
Imagine the idea of a Watch, with which you can call people, face time and use Siri (Apple's Voice Assistant).  With the iWatch you will  have your family and friends at your fingertips not to mention an abundance of amazing Apps. I think the iWatch could be an amazing idea.

The iPhone 5S 

Concept Design - PANDAapp 

The iPhone 5S , will probably launch in the June - October period and will run iOS 7. The iPhone 5S will (according to rumors) come in multiple colors and will have the same design features of the iPad Mini.

The Sony PS4

PS4 controller - SONY
The PS4 was announced on the 20th of February at sony's PlayStation Event. After the 2 hour conference Sony only showed us the controllers and the new camera with promises news of the actual console coming in the next few months.

iPad 5th Generation 

a concept of the iPad 5th Generation. - Martin Hajek

The 5th Generation iPad is said to have the same design features as the iPad  Mini. A higher resolution, iOS 6.4, A6X processors.  The iPad is supposedly going to release before July this year along with the iPad Mini 2. 

The iPhone Mini

a Concept of the iPhone Mini - PANDAapp

The iPhone Mini would actually be an amazing move for Apple, As long as they get the pricing rite , the iPhone Mini could extremely expand their customer base , with more people using their ecosystem. I think the iPhone Mini would do really well with the youth especially in South Africa where the majority of youth are using Blackberries (for BIS) but when BIS gets capped, youth will be looking for a new phone and everyone knows Apple.

According to PandaApp the specs are as follows: 
An A7 Dual-core processor with Quad core graphics.
  • Retina Display
  • 16GB; 32GB ; 64GB 
  • Wireless charging 
  • Fingerprint security 
  • iOS 7
  • Siri 
  • Bluetooth 4.0 
  • Extended Battery 
  • NFC

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B L A C K B E R R Y 1 0 - For Humans

Saturday 16 February 2013
Before the release of Blackberry 10, and in fact even before I actually got to know BB10 , My feelings about blackberry was that with Blackberry, just like the fruit of the same name,  you either like it or you don't, but now I truly can say my mindset about the company has changed. The new Software , design and specs on the new devices are far ahead of what they used to be and its hard to believe how far the company has come in less than a year!

B L A C K B E R R Y      H U B

iOS and Android have notification , Blackberry has Blackberry Hub. No matter where you are or what you are doing on your blackberry 10 device you can just swipe up to bring up a notification style bar with , as in the name,  your notifications. Swipe right  to bring up Blackberry Hub , a overview of all of your recent messages and conversations.

B L A C K B E R R Y   K E Y B O A R D

This being the first truly fully touch-screen device by Blackberry after many Blackberries with the traditional QWERTY keyboard, Blackberry has really made an effort to create an on-screen keyboard that is , if not as good as , better than the QWERTY keyboard. The new Blackberry Keyboard makes typing effortless, It learns the way you type and recommends words that you use often. If you mistype a letter or word , they keyboard will adjust it to insure you type the right key. 

B B M   V I D E O

BBM just got much better. BBM video is Blackberry's answer to Skype and Face time. With this feature you can talk face to face with the people who are most important to you. You can also share your screen therefore you can show friends or business partners documents or basically anything on your screen.

C A M E R A   W I T H   T I M E S H I F T 

Have you ever taken a picture just a few milliseconds to late. If you have then you would know how irritating it is. Well with Time shift on BB10 , after taking a picture you can go back or forward  a few milliseconds in time , in order to get the perfect picture.

V O I C E    C O N T R O L

This Siri like feature is a Voice Assistant that listens and does what you ask of it, it can send BBM messages , schedule meetings , set alarms and much more.

Blackberry World

Formerly known as The blackberry App World, the App's name was changed since the store now not only offers Apps but music and videos. This addition puts blackberry up there with Apple's iTunes and App Store and Amazon's Store. Which I think will definitely take blackberry to new levels.


T H E    B L A C K B E R R Y    Z 1 0 - A fully touchscreen Blackberry with flagship specs and features.

T H E     B L A C K B E R R Y    Q 10 - A Blackberry with a updated keyboard and touch-screen

Q U E S T I O N S     &      A  N S W E R S

What is Blackberry 10?   -  Blackberry 10 is the new software and Range of Devices by Blackberry.          It is Blackberry '10' because its Blackberry's 10th Range of Devices.

Why should I buy a Blackberry 10 Device? -  Well Blackberry 10 has an Array of new features that I believe has crafted Blackberry into a company that is truly ready for today's tech world and consumers. This phone , whether people want to accept it or not, has something for everyone.

Which blackberry 10 Device would suite me? - That Question is hard to answer without knowing more about what you use your phone for , your previous phones and your interests but i can give you a few tips to choose.  Do you like a big phone or a small phone ? What was your previous phone? - if it was a iPhone , a SIII or any other Touch -screen android or windows phone device i would recommend the Z10 but if you previously had a older blackberry or a phone with a keyboard i would recommend the Q10. If you like reading books and watching movies then go for the Z10. If you like texting and mainly use your phone for social networking , i would go for the Q10.

C O N C L U S I O N 

Like I said my feelings about Blackberry has changed and now I think , despite all of the negative Reviews' blackberry is back in the game and ready to compete and come out on top. If you are thinking of upgrading your smartphone I would strongly suggest the Blackberry Z10 or Q10. I cant wait until the Z10 and Q10 release in South Africa. If you are interested don't forget to subscribe to my blog to be the first to read my Blackberry 10 reviews when they release on the blog.


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Introducing... 'For Humans'

Saturday 16 February 2013
In this world of technology, its hard to keep track of whats new and technology can sometimes become a very 'Alien' thing. So I am about to introduce a new section on my blog called - For Humans. This series of posts will simply be blog posts that are very simple and to the point.

looking forward to this series - Subscribe to this blog

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Samsung Galaxy SIII Review

Wednesday 13 February 2013
 My job is very simple , point out all of the faults in a device that irritate me ( don't take that too seriously) , but when it comes to the Samsung Galaxy SIII - theres not much that I can fault.  The ultimate word to describe the SIII is unique ; in this world of an abundance of identical Android phones the SIII pushes the barrier and exits the tag as 'Just another Android phone' to become a phone that can compete with the iPhone 5 and put up a fair battle. So here goes...

Android 4.0.4 with Touchwiz Nature UX 

You can't talk about the Galaxy SIII without talking about its OS. Yes, the OS - so for anyone who has been living under a rock for the past 12 months Samsung's Touchwiz Nature UX overlay is the reason for many mobile users to buy this device. with the 'nature inspired' UX samsung paid attention to what customers wanted in the next (well the current) Galaxy S device .


Samsung really understood what customers wanted their phones to do and crafted those ideas into this software. This phone was truly "Inspired by Nature , Designed for Humans."The new Touchwiz overlay combines the good old features that i love about Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) and the new touchwiz 'Gestures' and enhancements. The Gestures are:

Smart Stay

this feature is truly heaven for a tech enthusiast! With the Smart stay feature the SIII's front facing camera and ambient light sensor locate your eyes so that the phone's screen stays on as long as you look at the screen, which means you don't have to keep tapping the screen when looking at a detailed picture or reading a long email or book. The smart Stay feature works excellently and unusually it doesn't drain the battery all that much.

Direct call

with Direct call , if you are sending a friend a message but decide the message may better be described through a call , theres no need to exit the message go to your contacts and search for the desired contact. With Direct Call all you have to do is raise your phone to your ear and it automatically dials the  desired person's number. Quick and simple! Easy and Efficient! However the feature may sometimes dial a person number when you actually don't want to , but that can be easily resolved by opting out  using the gestures menu.

Smart Alert

Who hasn't ever wanted a personal PA shaped as a phone (Trick question), Well anyways this phone is exactly that, The SIII recognizes when you've been away from your phone for a long time and when you finally return , it gives you a vibrating nudge telling you you have missed calls or messages. Its a pretty useful feature if you don't get messages every second (Just a reminder - you can opt out using the Gestures menu)

Social Tag

With Social tag; the SIII takes all all of your pictures and links the faces in the pictures with people from your contact list. It works well most of the time.

Pop Up Play

Have you ever wanted to watch a movie and surf the internet at the same time. Well the SIII's Pop up play feature allows you to do just that. A window with your video 'pops up' which you can resize or escape at anytime.

S' Voice

Apple's Siri (well actually Apple bought Siri) has stirred up this voice assistant craze sparking Google Now and  off course Samsung's S'Voice. Personally i think these Voice assistant  are stupid since it takes less time to find the information yourself, but whatever its a awesome feature anyways. I'm going to start with saying that i don't like S'Voice because S'Voice simply cant answer a fraction of the questions that Siri can or even Google Now! I don't think the layout is that bad.

From what i told you know you either probably love the phone or you are totally freaked out and think this phone has a mind of its own... (Just incase you were wondering - it doesn't!)


 Since the SIII is obviously based on android 4.0.4 (Ice Cream Sandwich) it has the main android trademarks - 7 Home pages filled with widgets ; Tons of 'Google' Apps and the signature Android notifications bar. A neat new feature samsung put in was that they display battery life in a percentage which if you want on an iPhone you would have to download an additional app. What I like about Android is the fact that you can personalize it as much as you please , something that you definitely cant do on an iPhone. With the Galaxy SIII , you can choose everything down to how to enter your password ( be it a pattern , a PIN or a typed word or even a spoken word.)


a Design inspired by Nature : the phone feels amazing in the hand. its tapered edges and curved outline makes it so easy to grasp in the hands but holding a SIII and holding a iPhone are two totally different things. The plastic SIII doesn't feel premium like the metal and glass iPhone. Many people complain that the SIII is too big , but i truly don't think so, although it might seem so when you begin using the phone, it really isn't that big and (having used the phone for 6 months) I think its much better when reading emails , browsing the web and just doing anything. If you think I'm mad think of it like this - Apple , a company that has made millions of dollars from their 3.5 inch iPhones decided to create a 4inch version! They know that the 4inch screen is better!   The back of the phone feels slippery and fragile. (But don't be too worried about that , since many of you will use it with a cover anyways.) 


The screen in my opinion - is the best i've seen on a smartphone. The screen can be viewed from literally any angle , 4.8' super AMOLED screen surprisingly doesn't show a blue hue like many Super AMOLED screens. Pictures looks fantastic on this screen, and i'm so happy samsung got the screen right because if they didn't other features on the phone wouldn't be that amazing. 


The battery life on this phone is amazing, after receiving emails, phone calls , text messages, twitter feeds, instagram feeds, whatsapp messages, surfing the web , playing games and writing notes the battery still last me a day and a bit. 


Its not the 8MP camera that makes this phone's camera stunning- its the options, effects and shooting modes that make this phone special. you can be anywhere and get a great picture (but ill let the pictures do all the talking)

A picture Taken with the Galaxy SIII's Camera


The following are the prices for the international unlocked version of the SIII

ZAR :                                              R7100
USD:                                               $572
UKP:                                               £391

Pocket it? 

I personally think this is the best phone on the market, but that just me. Everybody has there own opinion and their own interests. I would and have pocketed the Galaxy SIII because you can personalize it much more than many phones and the design and idea of the phone is fresh unlike the Recycled design of the iPhone. I would recommend this phone to anyone: whether you are a tech fanatic or a person who wants a simple phone that works.

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Blackberry Curve 9320

Saturday 2 February 2013
 To me the company Blackberry is much like the fruit of the same name - you either like it or you don't!
Blackberries in general are amazing because they are simple and has BBM (Blackberry's Instant Messengering service.) but thats just it. The things that I don't like about Blackberries is the horrible screen resolutions , the poor battery life, the shaky keyboard and the lack of apps available for Blackberry, so lets see how blackberries newest addition to the family compares...


The phone has the original blackberry features ... a QWERTY keyboard , a removable plastic back and the square trackpad. The design is a disappointing factor, the phone is bulky and the overall design is identical to its predecessor the 9300. The build quality is horrible and when typing I feel the need to type slowly as the keypad feels so unstable. When you hold the phone in your hand it feels very plastic-like and not very premium. 

Blackberry OS 7.1 

With this phone , Blackberry really understood what consumers use blackberries for - BBM. And with the new BBM 7.1 , you can message your contacts with ease and voice call over WiFi. The new battery saving feature in my opinion works amazingly. Th voice control isn't good at all, and is definitely not ready to compete with Siri or Google Now. The apps in the Blackberry App World are nothing compared to that of the Windows phone store , The play store and off-course the App World. Overall I think that Blackberry OS 7.1 has come along way but it still isn't there yet and to me i feel as though the only good feature on Blackberry OS 7.1 is BBM , then again there are much more people using Whatsapp and in my opinion Whatsapp is more user friendly and definetly quicker.


USD :  $214
INR: Rs15000
ZAR: R2400

Pocket it ?

I have to give it to blackberry - they really listened to their customers and put their best into the 9320... A good battery, a fair camera and an improved OS However I wouldn't think about buying this blackberry or any blackberry because...
1.) Blackberry 10 came out on January the 30th, and a upgrade for the Curve 9320 will soon follow.
2.) For the same price of this blackberry you can a android device like the new Samsung Ch@t which has much more features.
3.) As I pointed out earlier the only good part of having a blackberry is BIS (Blackberry Internet Service) and anyways Blackberry is going to cap use of data on BIS.

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