Blackberry Curve 9320

Saturday 2 February 2013
 To me the company Blackberry is much like the fruit of the same name - you either like it or you don't!
Blackberries in general are amazing because they are simple and has BBM (Blackberry's Instant Messengering service.) but thats just it. The things that I don't like about Blackberries is the horrible screen resolutions , the poor battery life, the shaky keyboard and the lack of apps available for Blackberry, so lets see how blackberries newest addition to the family compares...


The phone has the original blackberry features ... a QWERTY keyboard , a removable plastic back and the square trackpad. The design is a disappointing factor, the phone is bulky and the overall design is identical to its predecessor the 9300. The build quality is horrible and when typing I feel the need to type slowly as the keypad feels so unstable. When you hold the phone in your hand it feels very plastic-like and not very premium. 

Blackberry OS 7.1 

With this phone , Blackberry really understood what consumers use blackberries for - BBM. And with the new BBM 7.1 , you can message your contacts with ease and voice call over WiFi. The new battery saving feature in my opinion works amazingly. Th voice control isn't good at all, and is definitely not ready to compete with Siri or Google Now. The apps in the Blackberry App World are nothing compared to that of the Windows phone store , The play store and off-course the App World. Overall I think that Blackberry OS 7.1 has come along way but it still isn't there yet and to me i feel as though the only good feature on Blackberry OS 7.1 is BBM , then again there are much more people using Whatsapp and in my opinion Whatsapp is more user friendly and definetly quicker.


USD :  $214
INR: Rs15000
ZAR: R2400

Pocket it ?

I have to give it to blackberry - they really listened to their customers and put their best into the 9320... A good battery, a fair camera and an improved OS However I wouldn't think about buying this blackberry or any blackberry because...
1.) Blackberry 10 came out on January the 30th, and a upgrade for the Curve 9320 will soon follow.
2.) For the same price of this blackberry you can a android device like the new Samsung Ch@t which has much more features.
3.) As I pointed out earlier the only good part of having a blackberry is BIS (Blackberry Internet Service) and anyways Blackberry is going to cap use of data on BIS.

Score Card

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