B L A C K B E R R Y 1 0 - For Humans

Saturday 16 February 2013
Before the release of Blackberry 10, and in fact even before I actually got to know BB10 , My feelings about blackberry was that with Blackberry, just like the fruit of the same name,  you either like it or you don't, but now I truly can say my mindset about the company has changed. The new Software , design and specs on the new devices are far ahead of what they used to be and its hard to believe how far the company has come in less than a year!

B L A C K B E R R Y      H U B

iOS and Android have notification , Blackberry has Blackberry Hub. No matter where you are or what you are doing on your blackberry 10 device you can just swipe up to bring up a notification style bar with , as in the name,  your notifications. Swipe right  to bring up Blackberry Hub , a overview of all of your recent messages and conversations.

B L A C K B E R R Y   K E Y B O A R D

This being the first truly fully touch-screen device by Blackberry after many Blackberries with the traditional QWERTY keyboard, Blackberry has really made an effort to create an on-screen keyboard that is , if not as good as , better than the QWERTY keyboard. The new Blackberry Keyboard makes typing effortless, It learns the way you type and recommends words that you use often. If you mistype a letter or word , they keyboard will adjust it to insure you type the right key. 

B B M   V I D E O

BBM just got much better. BBM video is Blackberry's answer to Skype and Face time. With this feature you can talk face to face with the people who are most important to you. You can also share your screen therefore you can show friends or business partners documents or basically anything on your screen.

C A M E R A   W I T H   T I M E S H I F T 

Have you ever taken a picture just a few milliseconds to late. If you have then you would know how irritating it is. Well with Time shift on BB10 , after taking a picture you can go back or forward  a few milliseconds in time , in order to get the perfect picture.

V O I C E    C O N T R O L

This Siri like feature is a Voice Assistant that listens and does what you ask of it, it can send BBM messages , schedule meetings , set alarms and much more.

Blackberry World

Formerly known as The blackberry App World, the App's name was changed since the store now not only offers Apps but music and videos. This addition puts blackberry up there with Apple's iTunes and App Store and Amazon's Store. Which I think will definitely take blackberry to new levels.


T H E    B L A C K B E R R Y    Z 1 0 - A fully touchscreen Blackberry with flagship specs and features.

T H E     B L A C K B E R R Y    Q 10 - A Blackberry with a updated keyboard and touch-screen

Q U E S T I O N S     &      A  N S W E R S

What is Blackberry 10?   -  Blackberry 10 is the new software and Range of Devices by Blackberry.          It is Blackberry '10' because its Blackberry's 10th Range of Devices.

Why should I buy a Blackberry 10 Device? -  Well Blackberry 10 has an Array of new features that I believe has crafted Blackberry into a company that is truly ready for today's tech world and consumers. This phone , whether people want to accept it or not, has something for everyone.

Which blackberry 10 Device would suite me? - That Question is hard to answer without knowing more about what you use your phone for , your previous phones and your interests but i can give you a few tips to choose.  Do you like a big phone or a small phone ? What was your previous phone? - if it was a iPhone , a SIII or any other Touch -screen android or windows phone device i would recommend the Z10 but if you previously had a older blackberry or a phone with a keyboard i would recommend the Q10. If you like reading books and watching movies then go for the Z10. If you like texting and mainly use your phone for social networking , i would go for the Q10.

C O N C L U S I O N 

Like I said my feelings about Blackberry has changed and now I think , despite all of the negative Reviews' blackberry is back in the game and ready to compete and come out on top. If you are thinking of upgrading your smartphone I would strongly suggest the Blackberry Z10 or Q10. I cant wait until the Z10 and Q10 release in South Africa. If you are interested don't forget to subscribe to my blog to be the first to read my Blackberry 10 reviews when they release on the blog.


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