What I Want To See In WWDC 2013

Saturday 8 June 2013
Yes, its this time of the year again folks. So you might as well find an excuse to trash your 'old' Apple devices because Apple's WWDC (World Wide Developer's Conference) kicks of on monday!

                             WHAT I WANT TO SEE

iOS 7
A brand new Operating system. Not just some bug fixes here and there, with added applications that never seem to work (like iMaps.) I want to see a Apple Social Media platform, something to rival Facebook and Twitter. I want to see a 'flatter' OS. Apple should let us choose between iMaps and Google Maps as our default Mapping Service. Apple needs to redesign their App Store and last and definitely not least we need to see some widgets on iOS. 

iPad Mini with Retina Display 

A new updated version of the the iPad mini running iOS 7. Spec-wise I expect it to have a better processor (maybe the A6X) and a Retina display screen. I also would like to see the iPad mini coming in a few different colours, maybe a red, blue and green.

Macbook Air with Retina Display 

A revised design, it should be thinner and should come in a 15 inch variant. A faster processor and a new version of Mac OSX. A Retina display. 

The iWatch

A first for Wearable tech in Apple. After the Google Glass buzz, the Apple iWach would be a success. The idea is to have a watch with customizable bands and clock-faces as well as traditional iOS application functions. It should have Retina Display and 4G LTE connectivity. Siri and iMaps. 


The more I read over what I want to see, the more I know its not going to happen. I think Apple needs to really design a new flagship device, something that is completely new and exiting but the reality is that they wont! Apple is playing it safe at the moment but playing it safe might have worked a year ago but it  wont help now ,when Apple's competitors are catching up...

Apple needs to show us new products - Read my blog on Monday to see what Apple has packed as well as a link for you to watch it yourself. 

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