Did an iPhone 5 actually kill a lady?

Saturday 27 July 2013
(Picture of Ma)
Turns out iPhones don't only kill Androids but people. On July the 11th, A Chinese women by the name of Ma was allegedly "electrocuted" by answering an iPhone 5 while it was charging. There are no other details about this "Story". The news has been out for some time now and initially I believed that it was just an attempt from competitors to give Apple bad press but the story seems pretty legitimate and the scariest part is that Apple hasn't yet responded to recent events. Was it a coincidence or was it a glitch from Apple? The reality is its probably a glitch with most iPhone 5's out there! Recent events are really making me ask myself, if it happened once, who said it cant happen again! Until we get a response from Apple (which will probably never happen) none of us are really safe...

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